Do you offer affiliate offers via Clickbank on your sites, blogs etc.? If so, I encourage you to beware of the Clickbank "cheaters".
These are advertisers who want you to offer their product but you don't get credit. Here's how I always am sure that my Clickbank I.D. is present on the sites I send people to so I get credit.
Here's one such listing I ran across. It looked good...
(You may have to click on images to enlarge or increase your screen view to read).
So I clicked on "PROMOTE" button...
So far so good; you click on create and get your private html code to use...
Now this is where "advertisers"; promoters (you, the person who uses this link to promote the product on your site, blog or whatever) get "cheated". Sometimes this is not intentional, but I believe that many times it is and sometimes the authors of these products will give you credit for one item on their page but offer other products where you do not. By doing this step, you'll be sure to only promote products by those who pay you for all the products you are promoting for them. Here's what to do.
Paste that link in a Word (or similar) document for now. Now paste it into your web browser and go to the promotion page...
Now if you see that your Clickbank "code" is in the browser (sometimes it's disguised; which is a good thing) this is only the first step to check, the next one is critical. Always take the time to do it! It means whether you get paid for your promotion efforts; or not!!!
Next, click on the "order now" button or whatever "call to action" buttons on the site which lead to the order page.
Then scroll down to the very bottom of the page where it states: "Affiliate = "
Now with this particular site, on the first product only, when I did this, the "Affiliate = " showed my Clickbank I.D. (as shown above image) and this means all is good. Most Clickbank offers are only one product and if you've checked this and your I.D. is shown, great; now go ahead and promote the socks off it and make your money...
However, when you do this you will find that your I.D. doesn't show and this means that you will promote this product and not get any $$$!!!. (If you do this and see: "Affiliate = None"; this means that what you will earn; NONE!). This is a blatant, outright Clickbank cheater. They may intentionally do this or they may not be aware and don't know what they are doing. Either way, it's a waste of yours and my time.
This particular site/product (either through intent or not knowing) offers an affiliate commission on the first product but not the others shown on their page. When clicking on any of these products...
and you are taken to the order page and scroll to the bottom, this is what you see:
So in this case the CB advertiser is giving us affiliate commissions on just the first product. My thought is that if I am going to promote someone's product page, I want a commission on everything that is presented that I am promoting.
This only takes a few quick moments to check (it took me quite a while to do these screen captures to show you) out when you are promoting a CB product. When you come across an advertiser like this one, just go to the next one!
You may want to check your links from time to time in the future to see if the offer is still available and again whether you I.D. is still on that site you've linked to or not! (I've seen where later my I.D. has "fallen" off).
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Ter Scott, Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™