More about Ter Scott's MARKETING ON CALL 90 Days of No Fee Coaching

Here's more about the MARKETING ON CALL program. 

This is the first pilot program. (There may be others; but no guarantees, so sign up for this one if you can. When I have a good "test" I will do the full 12 month version at $100 per month membership). It will start early January.

Also, you must agree to two things: Be a member of the I.D. Program (you'll see details at my site. This is a program we use to help businesses to improve cash flow by investing $25 monthly to earn $500 or more each month) for the minimum of 3 months. 

And secondly, you'll need to agree to submit your honest opinion in a survey at the end of the 90 days.

Here's a bit about me, my company and what we will do together in these 90 days to get your business exposure (and customers) by having a good foundation to market your product and service in the right way. If you like what you see here (I obviously cannot share a ton here in this short space) you can visit my webpage shown below (if the link is not live, please copy and paste into your address bar to go to the page). 

My name is Ter Scott and I’m “legit”; you can simply plug my name “Ter Scott” into your Internet’s address bar and you’ll see that I’m “real”. OK, now that you are back; here’s a bit about me. I’ve taught marketing at the college level at a university where I live but unlike so many teachers out there, over the years I’ve actually helped hundreds of small and large companies build their businesses by doing things correctly. You don’t need to spend lots of money, have a large advertising budget or hire an agency (though this might be good for some). But, you just need to do a few things right, and keep doing them right.

Here’s what you’ll be doing (with up to 50 others; as membership is limited):

You’ll have access to me via email for a full 90 days. 

MONDAY: You’ll receive an article from me.
TUESDAY: I will have another speaker about this topic.
WEDNESDAY: We rotate a product, book, speaker, website of the month to discuss.
THURSDAY: You’ll get a video of me talking about the week’s topic.
FRIDAY: You’ll get what is called “The BIG Question”. Here you’ll interact with other members conversationally around a main topic but of course, you’ll be able to ask and comment on other related topics as well.

There is one catch to getting all of this at no fee (when signing on for the $25 monthly I.D. program) and that is this. You will need to give your honest input about the program so I can tweak it to create the full 12 month program. 

That’s it. For more details, and instructions on how to reserve your place, visit my site page:

Registration for this program will expire December 30th or when we have 50 members.

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