Ter Scott coins Phrase: "Johnny Appleseed Advertising"


Have you planted good, marketing seeds today? Johnny Appleseed’s (September 26, 1774 – March 11, 1845), philosophy can offer benefit to any one who wants to market effectively today.

According to Wikipedia, John Chapman (September 26, 1774 – March 11, 1845), often called Johnny Appleseed (real name: John Chapman), was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, including the northern counties of present day West Virginia. According to legend, he was kind, generous, and lead in conservation practices of his day; basically he was an all around good guy. The image that I remember about this American legend was of his spreading apple seeds randomly, everywhere he went. I’ve applied this to my marketing philosophy and activities.

Some time ago I coined the term "Johnny Appleseed Advertising", and I even offer an advertising opportunity by the same name. The whole idea is to advertising just a little everyday with little "seeds" and eventual the results becomes a big, beautiful, and bloosoming large apple tree. In marketing we too are spreading little seeds about our business message everywhere we go. Sometimes they are not always “good”! We need to first have a plan to “randomly” spread our message. Here are just a few ways to use Johnny Appleseed Advertising:

  • Always have business cards and flyers with you.
  • Have a know your 30 second commercial or what some call your “elevator” speech.
  • Be kind, and generous in your business offers.

Soon your business and it’s message will span the country and the globe. All from keeping little “seeds” of create and generous thoughts always in mind!

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